TIL: StackOverflow supports backticks
label stackoverflow
label markdown

TIL: StackOverflow supports backticks

by Edric Chan

Today I Learned that StackOverflow supports 3 backticks to create a code block, similar to a fenced code block in GitHub’s Flavoured Markdown.

<p id="paragraph1">Hello, HTML code!</p>

And here’s the other form of syntax for a code block on StackOverflow:

<!-- language: lang-html -->

    <p id="paragraph1">Hello, HTML code!</p>

EDIT: I also learnt that it is possible to have 3 backticks in a code block. (See the source for this post for more info)

About Edric Chan

(site owner)

An 18-year-old teenager who self-taught himself to code at the age of 13 with a 2015 Macbook Pro. Currently pursuing DIT at Singapore Polytechnic.

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