Package-level declarations

Kotest property functions for testing enums that represent an internal value. An example is as shown below:

// Enum
enum class Example {

companion object {
fun fromValue(value: String) = when (value.lowercase()) {
"one" -> One
"example", "two" -> Two
else -> Three

// Test code
val valuesMap = mapOf(
"one" to Example.One,
"two" to Example.Two,
"example" to Example.Two,
"other value" to Example.Three

class ExampleEnumTest : DescribeSpec({
describeName = "fromValue",
enumValuesMap = valuesMap,
fromValueOrNullFn = Example.Companion::fromValue,
invalidArb = Arb.string()
.filterNot { output -> output in { it.key.value } }

The following methods are provided:


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data class EnumMapEntry<Value>(val propertyName: String, val value: Value)

An enum-map entry, with its property name and value representation.

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annotation class ExperimentalEnumKotestApi

Denotes APIs that are experimental. Their implementation is likely to be changed, and no backwards compatibility is guaranteed.


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fun <InternalValue, E : Enum<E>> enumKPropertyTests(describeName: String = "fromValueOrNull", dataNameFn: (Map.Entry<EnumMapEntry<InternalValue>, E>) -> String = { "${it.key.propertyName}: ${it.value}" }, enumValuesMap: Map<KProperty0<InternalValue>, E>, fromValueOrNullFn: (InternalValue) -> E?, invalidArb: Arb<InternalValue>): TestFactory

Test factory to create tests for the given enum.

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fun <InternalValue, E : Enum<E>> enumTests(describeName: String = "fromValueOrNull", dataNameFn: (Map.Entry<EnumMapEntry<InternalValue>, E>) -> String = { "${it.key.propertyName}: ${it.value}" }, enumValuesMap: Map<EnumMapEntry<InternalValue>, E>, fromValueOrNullFn: (InternalValue) -> E?, invalidArb: Arb<InternalValue>): TestFactory

Test factory to create tests for the given enum.

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fun <E : Enum<E>> intEnumTests(describeName: String = "fromValueOrNull", dataNameFn: (Map.Entry<EnumMapEntry<Int>, E>) -> String = { "${it.key.propertyName}: ${it.value}" }, enumValuesMap: Map<EnumMapEntry<Int>, E>, fromValueOrNullFn: (Int) -> E?, invalidArb: Arb<Int> = .filterNot { output -> output in { it.key.value } }): TestFactory
@JvmName(name = "intEnumTestsReflection")
fun <E : Enum<E>> intEnumTests(describeName: String = "fromValueOrNull", dataNameFn: (Map.Entry<EnumMapEntry<Int>, E>) -> String = { "${it.key.propertyName}: ${it.value}" }, enumValuesMap: Map<KProperty0<Int>, E>, fromValueOrNullFn: (Int) -> E?, invalidArb: Arb<Int> = .filterNot { output -> output in { it.key.get() } }): TestFactory

Test factory to create tests for the given enum that is represented by an Int for its internal value.

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Converts a Kotlin property (without a receiver) to its EnumMapEntry equivalent.

Converts a Kotlin property to its EnumMapEntry equivalent.